The French-speaking Resc-Q-Assist with DIN filling features two new properties that enable first responders to act even faster and more accurately:
• The unique color guide that precisely shows the responder what to do
in which situation. This rotating disk displays various injuries and the
corresponding measures, just like the color of the supplies needed
to provide appropriate assistance.
• The colors in the first aid kit itself. These guide the responder to the right supplies that are stored in the matching compartments.
These compartments are labeled not only with colors but also with letters, allowing individuals
with limited vision to respond quickly and accurately to emergency situations. Available in neon yellow and
Dimensions: 44.5 (L) x 32 (H) x 15 (D) cm
• 4x Quick sterile eye compress 55 x 70 mm (per piece)
• 2x Quick rescue blanket gold/silver 210 x 160 cm
• 4x Quick elastic gauze 6 cm x 4 m
• 4x Quick elastic