Complete refill for the purple wall station (refill for LMPE.FA):
• Hexafluorine®: sturdy bottle (500 ml) with ergonomic eye cup for
easy application to the eye (2 pieces). Provided with a twist cap.
• Afterwash (200 ml) to be used after the application of Hexafluorine®, ensures
prompt recovery of the eye environment.
Hexafluorine® is to be used in case of chemical splashes involving HF (Hydrofluoric Acid). Hexafluorine® halts the penetration of the chemical substance Fluor and the development of burns caused by Fluor. The contents have a shelf life of up to 2 years and are for single use only.
• Ensure your safety
• Grab the Hexafluorine® and twist off the cap of the bottle
• Position the bottle over the eye and allow the Hexafluorine® to drip through and along
the eye.
• Gradually, it will become easier to open the eye a